Some SEO marketers don’t believe in the power of blog
commenting, they said that it is a waste of time and more prone to spam
connection. But for me, it is effective. You just have to find and choose
quality content worth commenting to. Or if you are a blogger and you want to
have social interaction and develop a relationship with your blog readers, you
have to install comment box social plug-in. This will increase search engine
optimization traffic.
Like what Rand Fish said in one of his article, “what
others say about you is far more important than what you say about yourself.”
Commenting on one’s blog can somehow boost the reputation or negative impact
from responsive blog readers.
Below are several popular blog comment
plugins used in most websites.
List of Comment Plugins
1. Akismet
2. Disqus
3. SI captcha
4. Comment Luv
5. Facebook Comment Plug in
6. No follow Tree
7. Twit Connect
You can use all of these to integrate comment on your
blog articles. But there are some comment plugins that do not help in
targeting search engine traffic on your blog. One of them is the Facebook
Comment Plug-in. A Facebook comment box has an iframe which means that
comments are not shared or attributed to the page or index by search engines
bots. Bloggers is losing SEO traffic because all of the comments are made on Ffacebook.
Comments are only indexed by their own search engine platform.
So do you still want to integrate Facebook comment box
on your blog? Think it over first. However, there are many SEO friendly comment
box plugin like disqus and Comment luv that you can use in your blog. Just
choose the right one.